Getting away from our busy routines is an important part of getting to know each other, and slowing down enough to hear the Lord's voice in some new ways. We encourage our people to take advantage of these great opportunities for fun, learning, and fellowship, and are happy to accommodate as many as possible, space permitting.
For the Men
The men sneak off not once, but twice each year! In March, they have their winter retreat at Pleasant Valley Christian Camp near Elbe, WA. It is a time of serious study and prayer, punctuated by free time and recreation in a chilly and sometimes snowy winter landscape.
Dates for the Men's Winter Retreat are TBA.
Every September the men prolong their summer with the Fall Classic retreat to either Lake Chelan or Lake Entiat in warmer Eastern Washington. This weekend is primarily for fun and fellowship, with two worship/study sessions in the evenings.
Dates for the Men's Fall Classic are TBA.
With both groups the conversations are good, and the Lord is at work among us. It seems sometimes that one weekend away together is worth a year of Sunday mornings, in terms of getting to know, and being known. Take advantage of these precious opportunities!
For the Ladies
The women get away each spring, and have discovered a new location right on the Washington coast, where they enjoy a delightful short walk to the beach from the spacious and charming "home base" of one or two large rented residences in the popular cottage community of Seabrook, WA.
Our women, with their knack for relational interaction, use every bit of this time away to connect with each other and make time for those in-depth conversations that don't work out so well surrounded by clamoring children on Sunday mornings.
They eat delicious food, learn from each other and from well-respected teachers and speakers, take walks beside the ocean, nap, and spend precious dedicated time in prayer and study of God's word.
The dates for the Ladies' Retreat are TBA
Retreat activities will begin on Friday night as usual.